Saturday, June 23, 2007


On waking, I’m drifting through some thought that’s saying something like problems only arise for those who don’t choose to address those issues needing attention before they become actual problems. The more aware we are, and the earlier we attend to and prioritize issues as they are arising, the more we have the freedom to address things while they are projects of choice vs problems we are forced to deal with.

Synchronistically, my lifelong friend Kim leaves a comment on my MySpace page noting she’s re-purchased a copy of ‘God Calling’, a book of daily messages from the Christ about walking in The Way. I research and find that the contents are available online.

I’m moved to read the section from June 16 - 30, since today is the 23rd. The 16th is entitled, 'Seek me early', and says:

"The world, my poor world, flies to Me when its difficulties are too great to be surmounted any other way, forgetting, or never realizing, that if, with the same eagerness, those hearts sought Me merely for companionship and loving intercourse, many of the difficulties would not arise.

The circumstances, the life, the character would be so altered - so purified, that those same difficulties would not exist."


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