Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Basic Meditation

I will recommend Paul Solomon's Seven Terraces meditation. In addition to using the colors of the rainbow to orient you to the chakras and their functions, it is also sprinkled throughout with guided imagery. When you regularly build an internal world of specific imagery of your own making, Spirit (Higher Self) or spirits (spirit guides and teachers) can both use this structure by inserting symbolic imagery which can be interpreted along the lines of dream imagery (simple, really, when you get the hang of it). In this way messages can be added within the simplicity of the framework of imagery you have built. And since they are guided meditations, they allow you to focus on the verbal content of the CD rather than on creating the entire session yourself in abject silence. A lot of people who have trouble meditating can follow along to a guided meditation with much less difficulty. The original Two-CD set or instant download is here:

This page has a visual description of the levels of the 7 Terraces, and a description of the full Inner Light Consciousness Course on CD. I don't know if you can buy the two CDs, that cover just the 7 Terrace Meditation, separately from the rest of the ILC course, but you could ask the webmaster on the site:

And here is a page with links to the Edgar Cayce-like readings that Paul Solomon did on subjects such as meditation, sex, relationships, earth changes, etc., all at no cost:

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